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The Art of Deep Listening

  • Royal Roads University, Victoria BC 2005 Sooke Road Victoria, BC V9B 5Y2 Canada (map)

Course Description


"What if, every time we stepped into a dialogue with someone, we approached it no differently than if we were stepping into a haltingly beautiful cathedral?" —Rachelle Lamb

Gosh it's so hard to do, and we'll often fail in the heat of the moment, and yet we can still hold it as a perfect aspiration and find ourselves from time to time blessed by moments of grace. This is a day for all you warriors who believe that in spite of those failures, it's worth learning some things that make those moments of grace more plentiful.

Tragic Fact: the primary cause of communication breakdown is that people don't feel heard. When that happens, tension builds and problems just get bigger. How we listen and what we say next determines the results and is 100% dependent on our ability to communicate effectively. Learn about one of the most misunderstood and underdeveloped skills essential to successful communications: empathy. When put into practice the result is increased trust, goodwill and collegial respect both at home and in the workplace.

Facilitator: Rachelle Lamb, speaker, author and president of Mindful Communication, offers highly stimulating and engaging training for leaders, managers, coaches, educators, HR specialists, and counsellors across Canada in public and private sectors.

• Conditioned thinking and language 
• Intention and presence in dialogue 
• Fostering openness 
• The nature of grievances and overcoming blocks 
• Relationship building and collaboration

Learning Outcomes: 
• Enhanced self-awareness 
• Translating “difficult” messages 
• Empathic listening 
• Conflict management and interpersonal communication 
• Leave with concrete tools to facilitate genuine understanding

REGISTRATION: Royal Roads University




Earlier Event: November 1
Communication Breakthrough